
Helping people in need to overcome obstacles and make the most of life. That’s what «Projecto Eu Consigo» is all about.

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Think about all the good things in your life: spending time with your friends, playing with your children or grandchildren… Now, imagine you cannot do those things. Nor can you get up, take a shower, or prepare your meals. Sooner or later, we all come to face some kind of limitation.

Occupational Therapy – what is it for?

Occupational Therapy exists to help everyone – children, teenagers, adults and the elderly – to deal with difficulties that come up in everyday life due to physical, mental or social problems, either inborn or resulting from an accident, illness or ageing. If there are certain things you cannot do, if that becomes a problem in your life, learn how to benefit from the services of an occupational therapist.

Common troubles an occupational therapist can help you with:

–         If you feel fatigue, stress or pain while doing a specific task/ occupation;

–         If you feel that memory loss if affecting your daily tasks;

–         If you have suffered an injury or have an illness that affects your nervous system;

–         If you have suffered an accident or  fall  that in some way has conditioned your life;

–         If you feel rundown and a weight to your family;

–         If you need  counseling about assistive devices  (walking, hygiene, dressing, domestic care, etc.)

–         If you need  counseling about adaptations  you should do at your home (mobility, furniture, lighting, etc.)


If you or someone at your care relate to one or more of these situations, we can help. Ask us how. One day you too will say “Eu Consigo!”.