People with reduced mobility or who find it hard to do everyday tasks tend to consider the hypothesis of moving into a retirement home or another institution. Before accepting to abandon your house, it is advisable to ask an occupational therapist to evaluate it and suggest the necessary adaptations that may allow you t achieve a higher level of independence. It may be a quicker, more effective and much cheaper solution.
After an accident, injury or simply due to ageing, a symptom or condition may become frequent or event permanent. In such cases a simple adaptation may be the key to improving your quality of life. That is where the occupational therapist comes in, evaluating and helping you adapt your home, workplace or other space to your own routines, specific needs and preferences, using the devices that are most adequate to your case. For instances, a stair lift, a ramp or a seamless floor in a shower area can make all the difference in the world for people with reduced mobility.
Prepared to identify risk situations you should eliminate and to point out the best devices to help you promote your independence, the occupational therapist will also help you with choosing, placing and learning how to use each device.